Modules: warm-up, cool-down, stretching, circular training (EMOM, Tabata, AMRAP, For Time)
Modules are separate “pieces of work/mini-workouts” within the main workout.

It could be a warm-up, a cool-down, a stretch, or just a list of exercises you decided to distinguish for some reason.

Each module could contain several exercises, and, in addition, such a module could be circuit training.

The Fitness Logbook app supports all types (protocols) of circuit training, such as EMOM, Tabata, AMRAP, and For Time.

Select the type, set the number of rounds and times, add exercises, set their parameters - and press start to begin circuit training.

There are some limitations:

1. Before starting it, you must set all exercise parameters (weights, repetitions, time, etc.) in all sets

2. During a circuit training session, you will not be able to return to the main training session - once the circuit training session has started, you can only finish (including early) or cancel it.