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1. Finding exercises
To add an exercise to a workout or routine, you need to find it first. Exercises can be found by name or using filters. Also, you can assign letter codes to exercises you use in your current program to make them appear at the top of the list.

If you can't find the needed exercise in the app exercise library - you can always create your own.
2. Exercise performance and history
Each exercise has a set of indicators and parameters that help to track progress, like one repetition maximum, pace, total weight lifted, heart rate, and calories burned.

On the History tab of the exercise, you will see these indicators displayed as charts - and also the history of performed sets. All the metrics and their meaning are transparent.

1RM is an estimate of the maximum weight a person can lift in one repetition. We use the Brzycki formula for reps 1 to 8. For more than ten reps, we use the Epley formula, and for 9 - it's 50-50.

Please note that you can pin exercises to the Home Screen - this gives quick access to the main performance indicator and includes such exercises in the progress report.
3. Exercise info and parameters
The second tab is the Info tab, where you can set the exercise up - name and image, parameters, and properties.

Everything is quite transparent, but just in case, here are examples of parameters and exercises that can be described with such parameters:

Weight & Reps: Barbell Squats, Machine Leg Extensions
Time & Distance: Running, Rowing
Reps only: Push-Ups, Box Jumps, Crunches, Rope Climbs
Time only: Plank, Rope Jumping, 100-meter Run, Battle Ropes
Weight & Time: Farmers Holds, Weighted Plank
Weight & Distance: Farmers Walk, Sled
Reps & Time: Burpees, Tire Flipping

Also, the exercise may have properties that help calculate the correct metrics, such as training volume or one-rep max. If the exercise has such properties, this affects the numbers that are entered in the parameter fields. These properties and their meaning are listed below.

Weight x 2
Let's imagine that you've performed a set of shoulder presses - 10 reps with 50 lb dumbbells. The most common and intuitive way to write it down is 50 lbs x 10 reps - and we suggest using this way. But actually, you've lifted 100 pounds in each rep - 50 pounds in each hand. The Weight x 2 property indicates this.

Let's imagine that you've performed a set of lunges - 12 reps for each leg with a 120 lbs barbell. You can write it down as 120 lbs x 12, and we suggest using it this way. But actually, you made 24 reps, 12 on each leg. "Unilateral" feature is used to indicate this.

If you prefer to record the total number of reps in a set (24 in the example above), do not mark an exercise as unilateral.

This property is applied to exercises that use nearly 100% of the body weight as resistance, such as Pull-Ups or Dip.

Let's imagine that you've performed a set of pull-ups: 10 reps with additional weight (let it be a 16 kg kettlebell). Obviously, the main resistance was provided not by a kettlebell but by the weight of your body. The "Bodyweight" feature is used to indicate this.

For Time
This feature is used to indicate that the shortest time is the best.